熊延教授(Yan Xiong)
发布时间 :2021-03-27 浏览次数:

邮箱 (Email):yanxiong@sibs.ac.cn
研究领域 (Research Area):植物营养信号传导调控及抗逆(Signal Transduction in Plant Nutrition and Stress Resistance Research

熊延教授(Yan Xiong


Liu Y,Duan X,Zhao X,Ding W,Wang Y,Xiong Y. (2021)Diverse nitrogen signals activate convergent ROP2-TOR signaling in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell.56(9):1283-1295.

Liu Y,Xiong Y.(2021) Liquid culture system for efficient depletion of the endogenous nutrients in Arabidopsis seedlings. Star Protocols. 2(4):100922. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100922.

Liu Y,Duan X,Zhao X,Ding W,Wang Y,Xiong Y.(2021) Diverse nitrogen signals activate convergent ROP2-TOR signaling in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2021.03.022.

Fu L, Liu Y, Qin G, Wu P, Zi H, Xu Z, Zhao X, Wang Y, Li Y, Yang S, Peng C, Wong CCL, Yoo SD, Zuo Z, Liu R, Cho YH, Xiong Y. (2021) The TOR-EIN2 axis mediates nuclear signalling to modulate plant growth. Nature.doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03310-y

Yuan X, Xu P, Yu Y, Xiong Y. (2020) Glucose-TOR signaling regulates PIN2 stability to orchestrate auxin gradient and cell expansion in Arabidopsis root. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.117(51):32223-32225

Zhang N,Meng Y,Li X,Zhou Y,Ma L,Fu L, Schwarzländer M ,Liu H,Xiong Y.(2019) Metabolite-mediated TOR signaling regulates the circadian clock in ArabidopsisProc Natl Acad Sci U S A116(51):25395-25397.

Xiong Y, McCormack M, Li L, Hall Q, Xiang C, Sheen J.(2013) Glucose-TOR signalling orchestrates transcriptome reprogramming and meristem activation Nature 496:181-189.

Xiong Y, Sheen J.(2013) Moving beyond translation, glucose-TOR signaling in the transcriptional control of cell cycle Cell Cycle 12(13):1989-1990.

Xiong Y, Sheen J.(2012) Rapamycin and glucose-target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling in plants Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:2836-2842 .


Li J, Bush J, Xiong Y, Li L, McCormack M.(2011) Large-scale  protein-protein interaction analysis in Arabidopsis mesophyll  protoplasts by split firefly luciferase complementation PLoS ONE 6(11): e27364 .

Liu Y, Xiong Y, Bassham D C. (2009) Autophagy is required for tolerance of drought and salt stress in plants Autophagy 5:954-963.

Yoo S D, Cho Y H, Tena G, Xiong Y,Sheen J.(2008) Dual control of nuclear EIN3 by bifurcate MAPK cascades in C2H4 signalling Nature 451:789-795.
Sheen J,Cho Y, Gonzalez E B, Qi H, Rolland F, Xiong Y, Yoo S.(2007)
 Sugar and energy sensing and signalling networks in plants Photosynthesis Research 91:134.
Yan Xiong, Anthony L. Contento, Diane C. Bassham.(2007) 
Disruption of autophagy results in constitutive oxidative stress in Arabidopsis Autophagy 3: 257-258.
Xiong Y, Contento A L, Nguyen P Q, Bassham D C.(2007) 
Degradation of oxidized proteins by autophagy during oxidative stress in   Arabidopsis Plant Physiology 143: 291-299.
Xiong Y, ContentoA L, Bassham D C.(2005) 
AtATG18a is   required for the formation of autophagosomes during nutrient stress and   senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Journal 42: 535-546.
ContentoA L, Xiong Y, Bassham D C.(2005)
 Visualization of autophagy in Arabidopsis using the fluorescent dye monodansylcadaverine  and a GFP-AtATG8e fusion protein Plant Journal 42:598-608.
Li W, Liu Q, Xiong Y, Wang S, Wang N, Wang Y.(2003) 
Significant role of cytokinins in maintaining the life of fronds  in Spirodela polyrrhiza Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 29 (3): 215-220.
Xiong Y, Liu C, Wang S, Wang N, Wang Y.(2002) 
Chloroplast Genome and the Regulation of Chloroplast-encoded Gene Expression Plant Physiology Communications 38 (3):264-270.
Liu C, Xiong Y, Wang S, Wang N, Wang Y.(2002) 
cDNA Cloning and Expression of rbcS Gene in Spirodela polyrrhiza Plant PhysiologyCommunications 38(3): 221-225.