任慧波副教授(Huibo Ren)
发布时间 :2019-11-14 浏览次数:

邮箱 (Email):rhb1139@aliyun.com
研究领域 (Research Area):细胞信号传递机制(Cell signaling transduction)

任慧波副教授(Huibo Ren)

 Yang Y, Chen B, Dang X, Zhu L, Rao J, Ren H, Lin C, Qin Y, Lin D. (2019) Arabidopsis IPGA1 is a microtubule-associated protein essential for cell expansion during petal morphogenesis J Exp Bot pii: erz284. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz284.

 Ren H, Dang X, Cai X, Yu P, Li Y, Zhang S, Liu M, Chen B, Lin D.(2017)Spatio-temporal orientation of microtubules controls conical cell shape in Arabidopsis thaliana petalsPLoS Genetics13(6): e1006851. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006851.

 Ren H,Dang X ,Yang Y,Huang D,Liu M,Gao X,Lin D.(2016) SPIKE1 Activates ROP GTPase to Modulate Petal Growth and ShapePlant Physiol172(1):358-371.

  Ren H, Lin D. (2015) ROP GTPase regulation of Auxin transport in ArabidopsisMol Plant8:193-195.

  Lin D, Ren H, Fu Y .(2015) ROP GTPase-mediated auxin signaling regulates pavement cell interdigitation in Arabidopsis thalianaJournal of Integr Plant Biol57: 31-39.
  Li B, Zhao Y, Liang L, Ren H, Xing Y, Chen L, Sun M, Wang Y, Han Y, Jia H, Huang C, Wu Z and Jia W .(2012) 
Purification and characterization of ZmRIP1,a noval reductant-inhibited protein tyrosine phosphatase from maizePlant Physiol159: 671-681.
  Li B, Gao Z, Zhou X, Ren H, Xie M, Fan Y, Hu J, Jia W. (2008) 
A confocal technique applicable to studies of cellular pH-related signaling in plantsJournal of Integr Plant Biol50: 682-690.
  Ren H, Gao Z, Chen L, Wei K, Liu J, Fan Y, Davies WJ, Jia W, Zhang J. (2007) 
Dynamic analysis of ABA accumulation in relation to the rate of ABA catabolism in maize tissues under water deficitJournal of Exp Bot58: 211-219.
  Ren H, Fan Y, Gao Z, Wei K, Li G, Liu J, Chen L, Li B, Hu J, Jia W. (2007) 
Roles of a sustained activation of NCED3 and the synergistic regulation of ABA biosynthesis and catabolism in ABA signal production in ArabidopsisChin Sci Bull52: 484-491.
  Ren H, Wei K, Jia W, Davies WJ, Zhang J. (2007) 
Modulation of root signals in relation to stomatal sensitivity to root-sourced abscisic acid in drought- affected plantsJournal of Integr Plant Biol49: 1410-1420.
  Fan Y, Liu Q, Wei K, Li B, Ren H, Gao Z, Jia W. (2006) 
Modulation of leaf conductance by root to shoot signaling under water stress in ArabidopsisForestry Studies in China 8: 1-5.
  Hu J, Li G, Gao Z, Chen L, Ren H, Jia W. (2005) 
Regulation of water deficit-induced abscisic acid accumulation by apoplastic ascorbic acid in maize seedlingsJournal of Integr Plant Biol47: 1335- 1344.
干旱胁迫下植物氮素营养与根信号在气孔运动调控中的协同作用植物学通报25: 34-40