张航晓副教授(Hangxiao Zhang)
发布时间 :2019-11-14 浏览次数:

邮箱 (Email):hxzhang@fafu.edu.cn

研究领域 (Research Area):生物信息学(Bioinfomatics)

张航晓 (Hangxiao Zhang)

Zheng Y,Yang D,Rong J,Chen L,Zhu Q,He T,Chen L,Ye J,Fan L,Gao Y,Zhang H,Gu L.(2022) Allele-aware chromosome-scale assembly of the allopolyploid genome of hexaploid Ma Bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13217.

Wang H, Wang H, Zhang H, Liu S, Wang Y, Gao Y, Xi F, Zhao L, Liu B, Reddy ASN, Lin C, Gu L.(2019) The interplay between microRNA and alternative splicing of linear and circular RNAs in eleven plant species Bioinformatics 35(17):3119-3126. 

Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhang H, Wang H, Liu X, Xu X, Zhang Z, Kohnen MV, Hu K, Wang H, Xi F, Zhao L, Lin C, Gu L.(2019) Genome-Wide Profiling of Circular RNAs in the Rapidly Growing Shoots of Moso Bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis) Plant Cell Physiol 60(6):1354-1373.

Ye G, Zhang H,Chen B, Nie S, Liu H, Gao W, Wang H, Gao Y, Gu L.(2019) De novo genome assembly of the stress tolerant forest species Casuarina equisetifolia providesinsight into secondary growth Plant J 97(4):779-794.

Gao Y, Xi F, Zhang H, Liu X, Wang H, Zhao L, Reddy A, Gu L.(2019) Single-molecule real-time (SMRT) isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) in plants: The status of the bioinformatics tools to unravel the transcriptome  complexity Current Bioinformatics 14(7):566-573.

Zhang H, Wang H, Zhu Q, Gao Y, Wang H, Zhao L, Wang Y, Xi F, Wang W, Yang Y, Lin C, Gu L.(2018) Transcriptome characterization of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) seedlings in response to exogenous gibberellin applications BMC plant biology 18(1):125. doi: 10.1186/s12870-018-1336-z.

Wang W,Gu L,Ye S,Zhang H,Cai C,Xiang M,Gao Y,Wang Q,Lin C and Zhu Q. (2017) Genome-wide analysis and transcriptomic profiling of the auxin biosynthesis,transport and signaling family genes in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla) BMC Genomics 18:870 DOI 10.1186/s12864-017-4250-0.

H. Zhang, C. Lin, and L. Gu.(2017) Light Regulation of Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing in Plants Photochem Photobiol 93(1): 159-165.

H. Zhang, Q. Luo, J. Sun, F. Liu, G. Wu, J. Yu and W. Wang.(2013) Mitochondrial genome sequences of Artemia tibetiana and Artemia urmiana: assessing molecular changes for high plateau adaptation Sci China Life Sci 56(5): pp440-452.
W. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Patterson, P. Winter, K. Graham, S. Ghosh, J.C. Lee, C. D. Katsetos, J. R. Mackey, J. A. Tuszynski, G. K. Wong and R. F.Luduena.(2016) 
Novel mutations involving betaI-, betaIIA-, or betaIVB-tubulin isotypes with functional resemblance to betaIII-tubulin in breast cancer Protoplasma 9:1-11.
Y. Chen, Y. Ding, L. Yang, J. Yu, G. Liu, X. Wang, S. Zhang, D. Yu, L. Song, H.Zhang, C. Zhang, L. Huo, C. Huo, Y. Wang, Y. Du, H. Zhang, P. Zhang, H. Na,S. Xu, Y. Zhu, Z. Xie, T. He, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, Z. Fan, F. Yang, H. Liu, X.Wang, X. Zhang, M. Q. Zhang, Y. Li, A. Steinbuchel, T. Fujimoto, S. Cichello, J.Yu and P. Liu.(2014)
 Integrated omics study delineates the dynamics of lipid droplets in Rhodococcus opacus PD630 Nucleic Acids Res 42(2):1052-1064.
G.Wu, H. Zhang, J. Sun, F. Liu, X. Ge, W. Chen, J. Yu and W. Wang.(2011)
 Diverse LEA (late embryogenesis abundant) and LEAlike genes and their responses to hypersaline stress in post-diapause embryonic development of Artemia franciscana Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem MolBiol 160(1): 32-39.
F. Liu, H. Zhang, G. Wu, J. Sun, L. Hao, X. Ge, J. Yu and W. Wang.(2011) 
Sequence variation and expression analysis of seed dormancyand germination-associated ABA- and GA-related genes in rice cultivars Front Plant Sci 2(17): 1-13.