曲高平副教授(Gaoping Qu)
发布时间 :2023-09-21 浏览次数:


曲高平副教授(Gaoping Qu)


联系地址  (Address):



研究领域  (Research Interests)植物生物制药(Molecular Farming)

代表性论文  (Representative publications)

GP Qu, H Li, XL Lin, X Kong, ZL Hu, YH Jin, Y Liu, HL Song, DH Kim, R Lin, J Li, JB Jin. (2020) Reversible SUMOylation of FHY1 regulates phytochrome A signaling in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant.13(6): 879-893.

Q Huang, J Lv, Y Sun, H Wang, Y Guo, GP Qu, S Hu. (2020) Inheritance and molecular characterization of a novel mutated AHAS gene responsible for the resistance of AHAS-inhibiting herbicides in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Int J Mol Sci.21(4).1345.

D Niu, XL Lin, X Kong, GP Qu, B Cai, J Lee, JB Jin. (2019) SIZ1-mediated SUMOylation of TPR1 suppresses plant immunity in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant.12(2): 215-228.

Q Wang, GP Qu, X Kong, Y Yan, J Li, JB Jin. (2018) Arabidopsis small ubiquitin-related modifier protease ASP1 positively regulates abscisic acid signaling during early seedling development. J Integr Plant Bio.l60(10): 924-937.

J Lv, Q Huang, Y Sun, GP Qu, Y Guo, X Zhang, H Zhao, S Hu. (2018) Male sterility of an AHAS-mutant induced by tribenuron-methyl solution correlated with the decrease of AHAS activity in Brassica napus L. Front Plant Sci.9: 1014.

X Kong, X Luo, GP Qu, P Liu, JB Jin. (2017) Arabidopsis SUMO protease ASP1 positively regulates flowering time partially through regulating FLC stability. J Integr Plant Biol.59(1): 15-29.