李亚星(Yaxing Li)
发布时间 :2019-11-14 浏览次数:

邮箱 (Email):0000pct051@fafu.edu.cn

李亚星(Yaxing Li)

Qing Liu, Qin Wang, Weixian Deng, Xu Wang , Mingxin Piao , Dawei Cai , Yaxing Li ,William D. Barshop, Xiaolan Yu, Tingting Zhou, Bin Liu, Yoshito Oka, James Wohlschlegel, Zecheng Zuo and Chentao Lin.(2017) Molecular basis for blue light-dependent phosphorylation of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 Nature Communicationsdoi: 10.1038/ncomms15234.

Y Chen, YX Li, JY Zhong, J Zhang, ZP Chen, LJ Yang, X Cao, QY He, G Zhang and T Wang.(2015) Identification of missing proteins defined by chromosome-centric proteome project in the cytoplasmic detergent-insoluble proteinsJ Proteome Re Sep14(9):3693-3709.

Yang L, Lian X, Zhang W, Guo J, Wang Q, Li Y, Chen Y, Yin X, Yang P, Lan F, He QY, Zhang G, Wang T.( 2015 ) Finding  Missing Proteins from the Epigenetically Manipulated Human Cell with Stringent Quality CriteriaJ Proteome Res14(9) : 3645-3657.