Work Newsletter
第 61 期
福建农林大学经济与管理学院 2024年5月
21世纪海上合作委员会国际菌草技术研讨在榕举办、中心成员赴马尾开展“关于促进服务贸易创新发展 推动福州高水平开放的建议”调研、巴新总理:中国菌草旱稻项目在巴新农业和减贫事业中发挥重要作用
On May 16, 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee International Workshop on Juncao Technology 2024 kicks off in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (hereinafter referred to as FAFU). 25 delegates from 12 countries including overseas members of 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) and South Pacific countries participate in the Workshop.
The Workshop, hosted by 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee and organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government and the National Engineering Research Center of Juncao Technology, FAFU, aims to popularize Juncao Technology among members of the Committee, and introduce edible and medicinal mushrooms, as well as the cultivation and management of Juncao grass. The workshop will facilitate exchanges and discussion on the extensive application of Juncao Technology in food security, ecological management, clean energy and other fields. The Workshop will also share the achievements made by the city of Fuzhou in agricultural sustainable development and deepen the cooperation in green development among the members of the Committee, so as to bring benefits to more people and countries, and increase the international popularity and influence of the Committee and Fuzhou City.
The Workshop will last for 12 days till May 27th. During the period, delegates will visit sites such as the Demonstration Base of Juncao Industry for Rural Revitalization in Shunchang County and the Demonstration Base of Juncao Windbreak and Sand Fixation. Delegates will also experience Fuzhou’s culture in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Kuliang Tourist Resort, Yantaishan Historic District, Fuzhou Shangxiahang Historic and Cultural District, better understanding of Fuzhou’s social and economic development and experiencing the unique charm of Fuzhou, the city of blessings.
21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee is a standing committee of United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (hereinafter referred to as UCLG ASPAC), jointly initiated by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government. It was established after approval in April 2017 at the UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting held in Catbalogan, the Philippines. It is a non-profit international organization composed of the members of UCLG and other cities and organizations that accept the Charter of the Committee. The site and the secretariat of the Committee shall be permanently located in Fuzhou, Fujian, China. Since its establishment, 69 cities and organizations of 28 countries from 5 continents have joined the Committee. In May of 2023, the Committee held the first Workshop on Juncao Technology and received a warm response, which has contributed to boosting agricultural sustainable development across the world and regions.

(2)中心成员赴马尾开展“关于促进服务贸易创新发展 推动福州高水平开放的建议”调研
2024年5月16日上午,中心成员庄佩芬教授赴马尾区,参加由市政协顾颀副主席带队的“关于促进服务贸易创新发展 推动福州高水平开放的建议”调研活动,在自贸区福州片区展厅及中国人民银行福州自贸片区分行开展实地考察,为福州高水平开放的建言献策夯实基础。
新华社悉尼5月23日电(记者梁有昶 王琪)莫尔斯比港消息:巴布亚新几内亚总理马拉佩23日表示,中国菌草旱稻项目在巴新农业和减贫事业中发挥重要作用,巴新政府将继续积极支持菌草旱稻项目发展。