林德书教授(Deshu Lin,Professor)
发布时间 :2021-03-31 浏览次数:


林德书教授(Deshu Lin,PhD,Professor)



联系地址  (Address)


福建省,福州市 350002,仓山区,上下店路15号,邮编:350002

Email: deshu.lin@fafu.edu.cn


个人简历  (Curriculum Vitae)


研究领域  (Research Interests)



研究方向  (Current Research Direction)

    植物细胞的生长与器官水平的生长密切相关,并影响着农作物的产量和林木木材的生物量。植物在生长发育过程中时刻受到机械应力的影响。植物细胞是如何感知机械力信号调控自身生长与形态建成是一个古老且重要的科学问题。本课题组围绕植物细胞生长与细胞骨架组织的生物力学与化学信号调控机制,蛋白质相分离与凝聚体介导信号转导等方面开展研究。近年来在植物细胞骨架组织和细胞生长,生长素调控细胞生长等领域取得研究进展,以通讯作者在Cell Reports, PLoS Genetics(2篇), New Phytologist JIPBPlant PhysiologyJ Exp Bot等国际期刊发表研究论文。承担了国家优秀青年科学基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目(3项),福建省杰出青年科学基金等科研项目。培养1名博士生获得福建省优秀博士论文。

代表性论文  (Representative publications)


     Dang X, Zhu L, Ren H, Lin D. (2023) Methods to Visualize and Quantify Cortical Microtubule Arrays in Arabidopsis Conical Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2604:317-325.

    Chen B, Dang X, Bai W, Liu M, Li Y, Zhu L, Yang Y, Yu P, Ren H, Huang D, Pan X, Wang H, Qin Y, Feng S, Wang Q, Lin D. (2022) The IPGA1-ANGUSTIFOLIA module regulates microtubule organisation and pavement cell shape in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 236(4):1310-1325.

     Ren H,Rao J,Tang M,Li Y,Dang X,Lin D.(2022) PP2A interacts with KATANIN to promote microtubule organization and conical cell morphogenesis. J Integr Plant Biol. https://www.jipb.net/EN/10.1111/jipb.13281.

     Dang X, Zhu L, Lin D. (2020) Live imaging of microtubules in petal conical cells. Methods Cell Biol.160:253-261.

     Dang X,Chen B,Liu F,Ren H,Liu X,Zhou J,Qin Y,Lin D.(2020)Auxin signaling-mediated apoplastic pH modification functions in petal conical cell shaping Cell Reports 30(11):3904-3916.

     Yang Y, Huang W, Wu E, Lin C, Chen B, Lin D.(2019) Cortical Microtubule Organization during Petal Morphogenesis in Arabidopsis Int J Mol Sci 20(19):pii: E4913. doi: 10.3390/ijms20194913.

     Yang Y, Chen B, Dang X, Zhu L, Rao J, Ren H, Lin C, Qin Y, Lin D. (2019) Arabidopsis IPGA1 is a microtubule-associated protein essential for cell expansion during petal morphogenesis J Exp Bot pii: erz284. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz284.

     Dang X, Yu P, Li Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Ren H, Chen B, Lin D.(2018)Reactive oxygen species mediate conical cell shaping in Arabidopsis thaliana petals PLoS Genetics 14(10):e1007705.

     Ren H, Dang X, Cai X, Yu P, Li Y, Zhang S, Liu M, Chen B, Lin D.(2017)Spatio-temporal orientation of microtubules controls conical cell shape in Arabidopsis thaliana petals PLoS Genetics 13(6): e1006851. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006851.

     Ren H,Dang X.,Yang Y,Huang D,Liu M,Gao X,Lin D.(2016) SPIKE1 Activates ROP GTPase to Modulate Petal Growth and Shape Plant Physiol 172(1):358-371.

     Ren H,Lin D. (2015) ROP GTPase regulation of auxin transport in Arabidopsis Molecular Plant 8(2):193-195.

 Lin D, Ren H, Fu Y. (2015) ROP GTPase-mediated auxin signaling regulates pavement cell interdigitation in Arabidopsis thaliana Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57(1):31-39
 Lin D, Cao L, Zhou Z, Zhu L, Ehrhardt D, Yang Z, Fu Y. (2013) 
Rho GTPase signaling activates microtubule severing to promote microtubule ordering in Arabidopsis Current Biology 23(4):290-297.


     Li H, Xu T,Lin D, Wen M, Xie M, Duclercq J, Bielach A, Kim J, Reddy G, Zuo J, Benkova E, Friml J, Guo H, Yang Z. (2013) Cytokinin signaling regulates pavement cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis Cell Research 23(2):290-299.

     Lin D, Nagawa S, Chen J, Cao L, Chen X, Xu T, Li H, Dhonukshe P, Friml J, Scheres B, Fu Y, Yang Z. (2012) A ROP GTPase-dependent auxin signaling pathway regulates the subcellular distribution of PIN2 in Arabidopsis roots Current Biology 22(14):1319-1325.

     Li H,Lin D, Dhonukshe P, Nagawa S, Chen D, Friml J, Scheres B, Guo H, Yang Z. (2011) Phosphorylation  switch modulates the interdigitated pattern of PIN1 localization and  cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaf epidermis Cell Research 21(6): 970-978.