智能化林业有害生物综合控制技术 ( Intellectualized IPM )
主任(PI): 苏军(Jun Su, PhD)

团队成员 (Members): 苏军副主任(Jun Su,PhD),饶时俊(Shijun Rao),刘良友(Liangyou Liu),王晓伟(Xiaowei Wang),林莉莉(Lili Lin),郑慧 (Hui Zhen)

研究领域 (Research focus):

      Our current interest is intellectualization of forestry pest management. We are focusing on built an UAV based platform for forestry pest managements, named “Woodpecker”. In this platform, we developed a special designed UAV for digitized forestry pest prediction and forecast, which integrated with hyperspectral imaging, VR and AI, as well as a powerful data processing system. The further pest control will be conducted by UAVs automatically according to all these digitized data. Currently, “Woodpecker” was applied to the investigation of pine wilt disease, which was well known as the “cancer” of pine trees. We will continue to dedicate on applying “Woodpecker” to other dangerous forestry pests, to promotes the intellectualization of integrated forestry pest management.



发表文章 (Publications):


Li J,Zhao Q,Huang J,Jia J,Zhu T,Hong T,Su J.(2022) The functional microbiota of on- and off-year moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) influences the development of the bamboo pest Pantana phyllostachysae .BMC Plant Biology. doi: 10.1186/s12870-022-03680-z.

Cai S, Jia J, He C, Zeng L, Fang Y, Qiu G, Lan X, Su J, He X.(2022) Multi-Omics of Pine Wood Nematode Pathogenicity Associated With Culturable Associated Microbiota Through an Artificial Assembly Approach. Frionters in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.798539.


Zhu T,Tang W,Chen D,Li J,Su J. (2021) Identification of a novel efficient transcriptional activation domain from Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). Journal of Genetics and Genomics.48(3):257-259.


Jun Su, Bobin Liu,, Jiakai Liao,et al.(2017) Coordination of Cryptochrome and Phytochrome Signals in the Regulation of Plant Light Responses Agronomy7(25) :doi:10.3390/agronomy7010025.
      Wang X,Wang Q,Han Y,Liu Q,Gu L,Yang Z,Su J,Liu B,Zuo Z,He W,Wang J,Liu B,Minami M,Kim J,Oka Y and Lin C. (2017) A CRY–BIC negative-feedback circuitry regulating blue light sensitivity of Arabidopsis The Plant Journal92:426-436.


Zhaohe Yang,Bobin Liu,Jun Su,Yoshito Oka.(2016) Cryptochromes Orchestrate Transcription Regulation of Diverse Blue Light Responses in Plants Photochemistry and PhotobiologyDOI: 10.1111/php.12663.


Jun Su., Shunli Chen and Fei-ping Zhang.(2015) Differences in parasitic ability of Beauveria bassiana (Moniliales: Moniliaceae) in relation to Pantana phyllostachysae (Lepidoptera: Lymantridae) when feeding on different Phyllostachys pubescens (Poales: Poaceae) leaves Entomological Research45 :135-140.
      Su Jun., Zhang FP., Huang WL., et al.(2015) Influence of different types of Phyllostachys pubescens (Poales: Poaceae) leaves on population parameters of Pantana phyllostachysae (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) and parasitic effects of Beauveria bassiana (Moniliales: Moniliaceae) J Insect Sci(5)15: pii: 39. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iev008.

Before 2014

Teale,S,A.,Wiickham,J.D.,Zhang,F.,Su,J.,Chen,Y.,Xiao,Y.,Hanks,L.M.,Millar.J.J.(2011) A Male-Produced Aggregation Pheromone of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a Major Vector of Pine Wood Nematode Journal of Economic Entomology104(5):1592-1598.