植物生长发育 ( Plant Growth and Development )
主任(PI): 林德书 (Deshu Lin, PhD)

团队成员  (Members):  任慧波(Huibo Ren,PhD),柏文婷(Wenting Bai,PhD),刘伯斌(Bobin Liu,PhD),何中声(Zhongsheng He,PhD),党谢(Xie Dang),廖家凯(Jiakai Liao),李佳佳(Jiajia Li)

PI简介 (PI Introduction)

林德书,男,1983年12月生。国家优秀青年科学基金获得者(2018),主要从事植物器官生长发育与细胞形态建成的研究。目前为福建农林大学海峡联合研究院教授、博士生导师。以第一作者或通讯作者在Current Biology (2篇),PLoS Genetics (2篇,含封面故事1篇),Plant Physiology,Molecular Plant等国际学术期刊发表论文。目前主持国家优青项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、福建省杰出青年科学基金、福建省自然科学基金面上项目。

      研究兴趣:1.花瓣器官形态建成; 2. 花瓣锥形细胞形态建成;3. 细胞骨架蛋白在水稻、甘蔗等农作物中的功能研究。


      2012-2014 年, 中科院植物逆境生物学研究中心,博士后;

      2018 国家优秀青年科学基金
      2018 福建省青年拔尖创新人才
      2015 福建农林大学金山学者青年拔尖人才
      2013 赛诺菲-中科院上海生命科学研究院优秀青年人才奖。

研究领域 (Research focus):


Study of the signaling mechanisms in the regulation of plant growth and development. Using transcriptomics and proteomic approaches to uncover hormonal signaling mechanisms regulating polar growth of plant cell, cytoskeletal dynamics, and vesicle trafficking. Investigation of novel genes and signaling pathways of growth and yield formation in crop species, including rice and bamboo.

发表文章 (Publications):


Dang X, Zhu L, Ren H, Lin D. (2023) Methods to Visualize and Quantify Cortical Microtubule Arrays in Arabidopsis Conical Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2604:317-325.


Chen B, Dang X, Bai W, Liu M, Li Y, Zhu L, Yang Y, Yu P, Ren H, Huang D, Pan X, Wang H, Qin Y, Feng S, Wang Q, Lin D. (2022) The IPGA1-ANGUSTIFOLIA module regulates microtubule organisation and pavement cell shape in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 236(4):1310-1325.

Huang T, Kramer EM, Lin D.(2022) Editorial: Petal Development: From Cell Biology to EvoDevo. Front Plant Sci. Jun 15;13:951442. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.951442. 

Ren H,Rao J,Tang M,Li Y,Dang X,Lin D.(2022) PP2A interacts with KATANIN to promote microtubule organization and conical cell morphogenesis. J Integr Plant Biol. https://www.jipb.net/EN/10.1111/jipb.13281.


Dang X, Zhu L, Lin D. (2020) Live imaging of microtubules in petal conical cells. Methods Cell Biol. 160:253-261.

Dang X,Chen B,Liu F,Ren H,Liu X,Zhou J,Qin Y,Lin D.(2020)Auxin signaling-mediated apoplastic pH modification functions in petal conical cell shaping Cell Reports 30(11):3904-3916.


      Yang Y, Huang W, Wu E, Lin C, Chen B, Lin D.(2019) Cortical Microtubule Organization during Petal Morphogenesis in Arabidopsis Int J Mol Sci 20(19):pii: E4913. doi: 10.3390/ijms20194913.

      Yang Y, Chen B, Dang X, Zhu L, Rao J, Ren H, Lin C, Qin Y, Lin D. (2019) Arabidopsis IPGA1 is a microtubule-associated protein essential for cell expansion during petal morphogenesis J Exp Bot pii: erz284. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz284.


Dang X, Yu P, Li Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Ren H, Chen B, Lin D.(2018)Reactive oxygen species mediate conical cell shaping in Arabidopsis thaliana petals PLoS Genetics14(10):e1007705.


Ren H, Dang X, Cai X, Yu P, Li Y, Zhang S, Liu M, Chen B, Lin D.(2017)Spatio-temporal orientation of microtubules controls conical cell shape in Arabidopsis thaliana petals PLoS Genetics13(6): e1006851. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006851.


Ren H,Dang X ,Yang Y,Huang D,Liu M,Gao X,Lin D.(2016) SPIKE1 Activates ROP GTPase to Modulate Petal Growth and Shape Plant Physiol172(1):358-371.


Ren H.,Lin D. (2015) ROP GTPase regulation of auxin transport Molecular Plant8(2):193-195
      Lin D., Ren H., Fu Y. (2015) ROP GTPase-mediated auxin signaling regulates pavement cell interdigitation in Arabidopsis thaliana Journal of IntegrativePlant Biology57(1):31-39.  


Zhu, Q.,Dugardeyn, J., Zhang, C., Muhlenbock, P., Eastmond, P.J., Valcke, R., De Coninck, B., Oden, S., Karampelias, M., Cammue, B.P., Prinsen, E., and Van Der Straeten, D. (2014) The Arabidopsis petatricopepitide protein SLO2 participates in biotic and abiotic stress response Molecular Plant7 (2): 290-310
      Bobin Liu, Jin Zhang, Lin Wang, Jianbo Li, Jun Chen, Mengzhu Lu.(2014) Asurvey of Populus PIN-FORMED family genes reveals their diversified expressionpatterns Journal of Experiment Botany65:2437-2748.
      Bobin Liu, Lin Wang, Jin Zhang, Jianbo Li, Jun Chen, Mengzhu Lu.(2014) WUSCHEL-relatedHomeobox genes in Populus: diversified expression patterns and a functionalconservation in adventitious root formation BMC genomics 15:296.

Before 2014

Lin D., Cao L., Zhou Z., Zhu L., Ehrhardt D., Yang Z., Fu Y. (2013) Rho GTPase signaling activates microtubule severing to promote microtubule ordering in Arabidopsis Current Biology23(4):290-297
      Li H., Xu T.,Lin D., Wen M., Xie M., Duclercq J., Bielach A., Kim J., Reddy G., Zuo J., Benkova E., Friml J., Guo H., Yang Z. (2013) Cytokinin signaling regulates pavement cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis Cell Research23(2):290-299
      Zhang Jin , Li Jianbo, Liu Bobin, Zhang Li , Chen Jun, Lu Mengzhu.(2013)Genome - wide analysis of the Populus Hsp90 gene family reveals differential expressionpatterns, localization, and heat stress responses BMC genomics 14:1-14.
      Qing Liu,Shijiang Cao, Xue-Rong Zhou, Craig Wood, Allan Green, Surinder Singh.(2013)Nonsense-mediated mRNA degradation of CtFAD2-1 and development of a perfectmolecular marker for olol mutation in high oleic safflower (Carthamustinctorius L.) Theor Appl Genet26:2219–2231.
      Cao S, Zhu QH,Shen W, Jiao X, Zhao X, Wang MB, Liu L, Singh SP,Liu Q. (2013) Comparative profiling of miRNA expression indeveloping seeds of high linoleic and high oleic safflower(CarthamustinctoriusL.) plants Front Plant Sci4:489.
      Lin D., Nagawa S., Chen J., Cao L., Chen X., Xu T., Li H., Dhonukshe P., Friml J., Scheres B., Fu Y., Yang Z. (2012) A ROP GTPase-dependent auxin signaling pathway regulates the subcellular distribution of PIN2 in Arabidopsis roots Current Biology22(14):1319-1325
      Chen X., Naramoto S., Robert S., Tejos R., Löfke C., Lin D., Yang Z., Friml J. (2012) ABP1 and ROP6 GTPase signaling regulate clathrin-mediated endocytosis in Arabidopsis roots Current Biology22(14):1326-1332
      Nagawa S., Xu T.,Lin D., Dhonukshe P., Zhang X., Friml J., Scheres B., Fu Y., Yang Z. (2012) ROP GTPase-dependent actin microfilaments promote PIN1 polarization by localized inhibition of clathrin-dependent endocytosis PLoS Biology10(4): e1001299
      Zhu, Q., E, H.M., and Van Der Straeten, D. (2012) SLO2, a mitochondrial PPR protein affecting several RNA editing sites, is required for energy metabolism  The Plant Journal71:836-849.  
      Zhu, Q.,Dugardeyn, J., Zhang, C., Takenaka, M., Kuhn, K., Craddock, C., Smalle, J., Karampelias, M., Denecke, J., Peters, J., Gerats, T., Brennicke, A., Eastmond, P., Meyer, E.H., and Van Der Straeten, D. (2012)  Functional analysis of SLO2 provides new insight into the role of plant PPR proteins Plant signaling & behavior7:1-3.  
      Zhang, J., Liu, H., Sun, J., Li, B., Zhu, Q., Chen, S. and Zhang, H. (2012) Arabidopsis Fatty Acid Desaturase FAD2 Is Required for Salt Tolerance during Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth PLoS One7:e30355.   
      Li B, Zhao Y, Liang L, Ren H, Xing Y, Chen L, Sun M, Wang Y, Han Y, Jia H, Huang C, Wu Z and Jia W .(2012) Purification and characterization of ZmRIP1,a noval reductant-inhibited protein tyrosine phosphatase from maize  Plant Physiol159: 671-681
      He, Z S., Liu ,J F., Wu, C T., Zheng, S Q., Hong, W., Su, S J., Wu, C Z. (2012)Effects of forest gaps on some microclimate variables in Castanopsis kawakamiinatural forest Journal of MountainScience9(5): 706-714.
      He, Z S., Liu, J F., Zheng, S Q., Su, S J., Hong, W., Wu, Z Y., Xu ,DW., Wu, C Z. (2012) Studies on the seeds dispersal and seedlings regenerationin gaps and understory of Castanopsiskawakamii natural forest Journal ofTropical and Subtropical Botany20(5):506-512.
      He, Z S., Liu, J F., Zhu ,D H., Hong, W., Zheng, S Q., Su, S J., Wu,C Z. (2012) Effects of forest gaps on species niche in regeneration layers of Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest Guihaia32(5):624-629.
      He ,Z S., Liu, J F., Zheng, S Q., Xu, D W., Hong, W., Wu, C Z., Wu ,ZY. (2012) Competition zone of Castanopsiskawakamii seedlings by single slope change point analysis Chinese Journal of Applied EnvironmentalBiology18(5):847-852.
      He, Z S., Liu, J F., Zheng, S Q., Hong, W., Wu, Z Y., Xu, D W., Wu,C Z. (2012) Effects of forest gap disturbance on plant species diversity andstability in regeneration layers of Castanopsiskawakamii natural forest Plant Sicence Journal30(2):133-140.
      He, Z S., Liu, J F., Wu, C T., Zheng, S Q., Hong, W., Xu, D W., Wu,C Z. (2012) The influence of forest gap on species competition of Castanopsis kawakamii natural forestupdated layer Journal of MountainScience30(2):165-171.
      Li H.,Lin D., Dhonukshe P., Nagawa S., Chen D., Friml J., Scheres B., Guo H., Yang Z. (2011) Phosphorylation switch modulates the interdigitated pattern of PIN1 localization and cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaf epidermis Cell Research21(6): 970-978.
      Zhu, Q., Zhang, J., Gao, X., Tong, J., Xiao, L., Li, W., and Zhang, H. (2010) The Arabidopsis AP2/ERF transcription factor RAP2.6 participates in ABA, salt and osmotic stress responses Gene457:1-12.  
      Zhang, J.T., Zhu, J.Q., Zhu, Q., Liu, H., Gao, X.S., and Zhang, H.X. (2009) Fatty acid desaturase6 (Fad6) is required for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana Biochem Biophys Res Commun390:469-474
      Li B, Gao Z, Zhou X, Ren H, Xie M, Fan Y, Hu J, Jia W. (2008) A confocal technique applicable to studies of cellular pH-related signaling in plants  Journal of Integr Plant Biol50: 682-690
      Ren H, Gao Z, Chen L, Wei K, Liu J, Fan Y, Davies WJ, Jia W, Zhang J. (2007) Dynamic analysis of ABA accumulation in relation to the rate of ABA catabolism in maize tissues under water deficit  Journal of Exp Bot58: 211-219
      Ren H, Fan Y, Gao Z, Wei K, Li G, Liu J, Chen L, Li B, Hu J, Jia W. (2007) Roles of a sustained activation of NCED3 and the synergistic regulation of ABA biosynthesis and catabolism in ABA signal production in Arabidopsis  Chin Sci Bull52: 484-491
      Ren H, Wei K, Jia W, Davies WJ, Zhang J. (2007) Modulation of root signals in relation to stomatal sensitivity to root-sourced abscisic acid in drought- affected plants  Journal of Integr Plant Biol49: 1410-1420
      Fan Y, Liu Q, Wei K, Li B, Ren H, Gao Z, Jia W. (2006) Modulation of leaf conductance by root to shoot signaling under water stress in Arabidopsis  Forestry Studies in China 8: 1-5. 
      Hu J, Li G, Gao Z, Chen L, Ren H, Jia W. (2005) Regulation of water deficit-induced abscisic acid accumulation by apoplastic ascorbic acid in maize seedlings  Journal of Integr Plant Biol47: 1335- 1344.