植物代谢及天然产物合成 ( Plant metabolism and natural product biosynthesis )
主任(PI): 刘圆圆 (Yuanyuan Liu, PhD)

团队成员 (Members): 黄紫樱(Ziying Huang),白旭(Xu Bai),蔡森(Sen Cai),朱盼盼(Panpan Zhu),黄素云(Suyun Huang),张志远(Zhiyuan Zhang),李珉轩(Minxuan Li),赵玉晴(Yuqing Zhao),吴植润(Zhirun Wu),沈汉滨(Hanbin Shen),陈宝灵(Baoling Chen),杨征帆(Zhengfan Yang),杨勇(Yong Yang) 尤馨儿(Xiner You),谢楚芩(Chuqin Xie),欧阳雨锃(Yuzeng Ouyang),李婧维(Jingwei Li),徐象华(Marc Xu),冯海瑜(Haiyu Feng),李竞舸(Jingge Li),李永彬(Yongbin Li),黄江(Jiang Huang)

     PI简介  (PI Introduction):

      刘圆圆,福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授,入选国家高端外国专家引进计划,福建省高层次人才(B类)等国家级和省部级人才计划项目。 2015年,获得加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia,UBC博士学位,于同年获得Mitacs博士后专项资助2015-2018年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学及Anandia科技公司Anandia Laboratories Inc.担任研发科学家及博士后研究员

    研究领域   (Research focus):


     My research interests lie in the discovery and engineering of plant metabolic pathways to produce chemical and molecules that can improve human and plant health.  Our lab focuses on developing the foundational knowledge and innovation tools needed for engineering biosynthetic pathways for high-value specialized metabolites in planta.

发表文章  (Publications):



     Li M, Wu Q, Guo F, Ouyang Y, Ao D, You S, Liu Y. (2024) A versatile, rapid agrobacterium-mediated transient expression system for functional genomics studies in cannabis seedling. Planta. DOI:10.1007/s00425-024-04448-5

     You S, Yao S, Chen X, Hou Q, Liu Z, Lei G, Xie X, Liang Z, Yuchi Z , You M, Liu Y, Xiong L. (2024). CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout of the PxJHBP Gene Resulted in Increased Susceptibility to Bt Cry1Ac Protoxin and Reduced Lifespan and Spawning Rates in Plutella xylostella. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c08721.

      Huang X, Chen W, Zhao Y, Chen J, Ouyang Y, Li M, Gu Y, Wu Q, Cai S, Guo F, Ao D, Zhu P, You S, Vasseur L, Liu Y. (2024) Deep learning-based quantification and transcriptomic profiling reveal a methyl jasmonate‐mediated glandular trichome formation pathway in Cannabis sativa. The Plant Journal. DOI:  10.1111/tpj.16663.


       Li Z, Xiong L, Li J, Yao S, Dong Y, Li Y, Chen X, Ye M, Zhang Y, Xie X, You M, Yuchi Z, Liu Y, You S. (2023) Enhanced resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin mediated by the activation of prophenoloxidase in a cosmopolitan pest. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124678.


     Ma J, Li Q, Zhang L, Cai S, Liu Y, Lin J, Huang R, Yu Y, Wen M, Xu, T. (2022) High auxin stimulates callus through SDG8-mediated histone H3K36 methylation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. DOI:10.1111/jipb.13387.

     Zhu P, Zhao Y, You X, Zhang Y, Vasseur L, Haughn G, Liu Y. (2022) A versatile protoplast system and its application in Cannabis sativa L. Botany. DOI:10.1139/cjb-2021-0178.


    Liu Y, Zhu P, Cai S, Haughn G, Page JE. (2021) Three novel transcription factors involved in cannabinoid biosynthesis in Cannabis sativa L.Plant Mol Biol. doi: 10.1007/s11103-021-01129-9

   Cai S, Zhang Z, Huang S, Bai X, Huang Z, Zhang YJ, Huang L, Tang W, Haughn G, You S, Liu Y. (2021) CannabisGDB: a comprehensive genomic database for Cannabis Sativa L. Plant Biotechnol J. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13548. 


Liu ,Y., Wu, C., Hu ,X., Gao, H., Wang, Y., Luo, H., Sen ,C., Li, G., Zheng, Y., Lin ,C., Zhu, Q.(2019) Transcriptome profiling reveals the crucial biological pathways involved in cold response in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) Tree Physiology DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpz133.


Li ,W., Liu, Y., Douglas, C.(2016) Role of glycosyl transferases in pollen wall primexine formation and exine patterning Plant Physiology DOI:10.1104/pp.16.00471.

Before 2016
       Liu,Y., You,S., Taylor-Teeples,M., Brady ,S., Li,L., Schuetz ,M., Douglas,C. (2014) BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN6 (BLH6) and KNOTTED ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA7 (KNAT7) interact and regulate secondary cell wall formation via repression of REVOLUTA Plant Cell DOI:10.1105/tpc.114.128322.

     You ,M., Yue, Z., He, W., Yang ,X., Yang, G., Xie, M., Zhan, D., Baxter,S., Vasseur,L., Gurr ,G., Douglas,C., Bai ,J., Wang ,P., Cui ,K., Huang, S., Li ,X., Zhou ,Q.et al.  (2013) A heterozygous moth genome provides insights into herbivory and detoxification Nature Genetics DOI:10.1038/ng.2524.

     Khan, M., Xu, M., Murmu, J., Tabb ,P., Liu ,Y., Storey ,K., McKim ,S., Douglas,C., Hepworth, S.(2011) Antagonistic interaction of BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 and 2 with BREVIPEDICELLUS and PENNYWISE regulates Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture Plant Physiology DOI:10.1104/pp.111.188573.

     Li ,E., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Chen, J., Douglas ,C.(2011) OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interacts with KNAT7 in a transcription repression complex to regulate secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Journal DOI:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04595.x.