植物营养和逆境信号转导 ( Plant nutrient signaling and stress resistance )
主任(PI): 熊延(Yan Xiong,PhD)

团队成员 (Members): 付力文(Liwen Fu,PhD)

PI简介(PI Introduction)

熊延,福建农林大学教授,博士生导师,闽江学者特聘教授。1998年毕业于南开大学生物化学系,获理学学士学位。2001年毕业于南开大学生物化学系,获理学硕士学位。2006年毕业于美国Iowa State University,获理学博士学位。2006-2011年于Harvard Medica lSchool/Massachusetts General Hospital进行博士后研究。2012-2013年就职于Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts Genera lHospital,助理教授。2014-2017年就职于上海植物逆境生物学研究中心,研究员。主要从事于TOR蛋白激酶调控细胞分裂,抗逆,抗病中的分子机理,研究论文及综述20余篇,其中责任及第一作者文章15篇,他引1300多次,其中代表性研究成果发表在NATURE,PNAS,Plantphysiology,cellcycle,JBC等国际顶尖及国际核心期刊上。

电子邮箱(Email): yanxiong_fafu@163.com

研究领域 (Research focus):
       植物营养和逆境信号转导Plant nutrient signaling and stress resistance

发表文章 (Publications):


Fu L, Liu Y, Qin G, Wu P, Zi H, Xu Z, Zhao X, Wang Y, Li Y, Yang S, Peng C, Wong CCL, Yoo SD, Zuo Z, Liu R, Cho YH, Xiong Y. (2021) The TOR-EIN2 axis mediates nuclear signalling to modulate plant growth. Nature.doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03310-y

     Liu Y,Duan X,Zhao X,Ding W,Wang Y,Xiong Y. (2021)Diverse nitrogen signals activate convergent ROP2-TOR signaling in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell.56(9):1283-1295.

     Liu Y,Xiong Y.(2021) Liquid culture system for efficient depletion of the endogenous nutrients in Arabidopsis seedlings. Star Protocols. 2(4):100922. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100922.


Yuan X, Xu P, Yu Y, Xiong Y. (2020) Glucose-TOR signaling regulates PIN2 stability to orchestrate auxin gradient and cell expansion in Arabidopsis root. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117(51):32223-32225

Liwen Fu, Pengcheng Wang, Yan Xiong.(2020) Target of Rapamycin Signaling in Plant Stress Responses. Plant Physiology.182:1613-1623.


Nan Zhang , Yanyan Meng , Xu Li , Yu Zhou, Liuyin Ma , Liwen Fu, Markus Schwarzländer , Hongtao Liu ,and Yan Xiong.(2019)Metabolite-mediated TOR signaling regulates the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of National Academy of Science. 51(116): 395-397.


Pengcheng Wang, Yang Zhao, Zhongpeng Li, Chuan-Chih Hsu, Xue Liu, Liwen Fu, Yueh-Ju Hou, Yanyan Du, Shaojun Xie, Chunguang Zhang, Jinghui Gao, Minjie Cao, Xiaosan Huang, Yingfang Zhu, Kai Tang, Xingang Wang, W. Andy Tao, Yan Xiong, Jian-kang Zhu.(2018)Reciprocal Regulation of the TOR Kinase and ABA Recepter Balances Plant Growth and Stress Response. Molecular Cell.1(69):100-112.

        Before 2018

       Wenguo Cai, Xiaojuan Li, Yanlin Liu, Yaowei Wang, Yue Zhou, Tongda Xu & Yan Xiong.(2017)COP1 integrates light signals to ROP2 for cell cycle activation. Plant Signaling & Behavior.9(12): 1559-232.

       Xiaojuan Li, Wenguo Cai. Yanlin Liu, Hui Li, Liwen Fu, Lin Xu, Hongtao Liu, Tongda Xu and Yan Xiong.(2017)Differential TOR activation and cell proliferation in Arabidopsis root and shoot apexes. Proceedings of National Academy of Science.42: 535-546.

      Xiong Yan and Jen Sheen.(2014)TOR Signaling Networks in Plant Growth and Metabolism. Plant Physiology.164:499-512.

      Xiong Yan, Jen Sheen.(2013)Moving beyond translation, glucose-TOR signaling in the transcriptional control of cell cycle. Cell Cycle.12(13), 1989.

      Xiong Yan, Matthew McCormack, Li Lei, Hall Qi, Xiang Chengbin, Jen Sheen.(2013)Glucose-TOR signalling orchestrates transcriptome reprogramming and meristem activation. Nature.496:181-189.

      Xiong Yan, Jen Sheen.( 2012)Rapamycin and glucose-target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling in plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry.287: 2836-2842.

      Li Jianfeng, Jenifer Bush, Xiong Yan, Li Lei.(2011) Matthew McCormack, Large-scale protein-protein interaction analysis in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts by split firefly luciferase complementation. PLoS ONE.6(11): e27364.

      Liu Yimo, Xiong Yan, Diane C. Bassham.(2009)Autophagy is required for plant tolerance of drought and salt stress. Autophagy.5:954-963

      Yoo Sang-Dong, Cho Young-Hee, Guillaume Tena, Xiong Yan, Jen Sheen.(2008)Dual control of nuclear EIN3 by bifurcate MAPK cascades in C2H4 signalling. Nature.451:789-795.

      Xiong Yan, Anthony L. Contento, Diane C. Bassham.(2007)Disruption of autophagy results in constitutive oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Autophagy.3: 257-258.

      Xiong Yan, Anthony L. Contento, PhanQuang Nguyen, Diane C. Bassham.(2007) Degradation of oxidized proteins by autophagy during oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 143: 291-299.

      Xiong Yan, Anthony L. Contento, Diane C. Bassham.(2005) AtATG18a is required for the formation of autophagosomes during nutrient stress and senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal.42: 535-546.    

      Jen Sheen, Cho Younghee, Elena Baena-Gonzalez, Hall Qi, Filip Rolland, Xiong Yan, Yoo Sangdong.(2007)Sugar and energy sensing and signalling networks in plants. Photosynthesis Research.91:134.