植物光生物学 ( Plant Photobiology )
主任(PI): 王琴Qin Wang, PhD

团队成员 (Members): 王琼丽(Qiongli Wang,PhD),钟鸣(Ming Zhong,PhD)张莉(Li Zhang,PhD),陈票娟(Piaojuan Chen),刘思远(Siyuan Liu),向贤(Xian Xiang),张小雪(Xiaoxue Zhang),江永红(Yonghong Jiang),刘惠玲(Huiling Liu),王有任(Youren Wang)

PI简介(PI Introduction)


研究领域 (Research focus):


Our research interests focus on dissecting the molecular mechanisms of plant light signaling transduction and circadian clock system. We use the model plant species, Arabidopsis, to identify the key components in blue light photoreceptor Cryptochrome signaling pathways and study their functions. We also investigate the mechanisms by which light signaling regulates circadian clock system, with the final goal to uncover the unknow molecular mechanisms that light and circadian clock control the plant growth and its adaptation to the ever-changing environment. Another research topic in our group is to study the molecular mechanism of flowering in bamboo. By using our bamboo gene resources and genetic transformation system, we work on homologous cloning of bamboo flowering genes and analyzing their functions both in model plant species (like Arabidopsis and rice) and bamboo itself, with the aim of depicting the basic molecular regulatory network of flowering in bamboo.      

发表文章 (Publications):


  Liu S, Zhang L, Gao L, Chen Z, Bie Y, Zhao Q, Zhang S, Hu X, Liu Q, Wang X, Wang Q. (2022) Differential photoregulation of the nuclear and cytoplasmic CRY1 in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. (doi: 10.1111/nph.18007).


  Wang X, Jiang B, Gu L, Chen Y, Mora M, Zhu M, Noory E, Wang Q, Lin C.(2021) A photoregulatory mechanism of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants. 7(10):1397-1408.

  Chen Y, Hu X, Liu S, Su T, Huang H, Ren H, Gao Z, Wang X, Lin D, Wohlschlegel JA, Wang Q, Lin C. (2021) Regulation of Arabidopsis photoreceptor CRY2 by two distinct E3 ubiquitin ligases. Nature Communications.12(1): 2155. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22410-x.

  Wu Y,Wang Q,Qu J,Liu W,Gao X,Li X,Yang,X,Lin C,Shuai J. (2021) Different response modes and cooperation modulations of blue-light receptors in photomorphogenesis. Plant Cell Environ. 44:1802–1815.     


  Wang Q,Lin C.(2020)A structural view of plant CRY2 photoactivation and inactivation. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 27(5):401-403. 

  Wang Q,Lin C.(2020)Mechanisms of Cryptochrome-Mediated Photoresponses in Plants.Annu Rev Plant Biol. 71:103-129.

  Liu Q , Su T, He W, Ren H , Liu S, Chen Y , Gao L, Hu X , Lu H, Cao S , Huang Y , Wang X , Wang Q, Lin C.(2020)Photooligomerization Determines Photosensitivity and Photoreactivity of Plant Cryptochromes.Molecular Plant. 13(3):398-413.


  Wang Q,Lin C.(2019)Photoreceptor signaling: when COP1 meets VPs.EMBO JOURNAL. 38(18):e102962.doi: 10.15252/embj.2019102962.

  Liu H, Su T, He W, Wang Q and Lin C.(2019)The universally conserved residues are not universally required for stable protein expression or functions of cryptochromes .Molecular Biology and Evolution .DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msz217. 


Wang Q,Liu Q,Wang X,Zuo Z,Oka Y and Lin C.(2018)New insights into the mechanisms of phytochrome-cryptochrome coaction New Phytologist 217:547–551.

Wang Q, Zuo Z, Wang X, Liu Q, Gu L, Oka Y, Lin C.(2018) Beyond the photocycle – how cryptochromes regulate photoresponses in plants?Current Option in Plant Biology45:120-126.


Qing Liu, Qin Wang, Weixian Deng, Xu Wang, Mingxin Piao, Dawei Cai, Yaxing Li, William D. Barshop, Xiaolan Yu, Tingting Zhou, Bin Liu, Yoshito Oka, James Wohlschlegel, Zecheng Zuo and Chentao Lin.(2017) Molecular basis for blue light-dependent phosphorylation of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/ncomms15234.


Wang Q,Zuo Z C,Wang X,Gu L F, Yoshizumi T,Yang,Z H,Liu Q,Liu W,Han Y J,Liu B, Wohlschlegel J A, Matsui M, Oka Y and Lin C.(2016) Photoactivation and inactivation mechanisms of Arabidopsis cryptochrome2 Science 354:343-347.   

Liu Q,Wang Q,Liu B,Wang W,Wang X,Park J,Yang Z,Du X,Bian M and Lin C.(2016) The Blue Light-Dependent Polyubiquitination and Degradation of Arabidopsis Cryptochrome2 Requires Multiple E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Plant Cell Physiol 57(10):2175-2186.

Yang L,Wang X,Deng W ,Mo W ,Gao J,Liu Q,Zhang C ,Wang Q,Lin C and Zuo Z .(2016) Using HEK293T Expression System to Study Photoactive Plant Cryptochromes Frontiers in Plant Science 27(7): 940. doi: 10.3389.

Kohnen M.V., Schmid E., Trevisan M., Allenbach Petrolati L., Sénéchal F., Müller- Moulé P, Maloof J., Xenarios I., Fankhauser C. (2016) Neighbor Detection Induces Organ-Specific Transcriptomes, Revealing Patterns Underlying Hypocotyl-Specific Growth Plant Cell 28(12): 2889-2904.


Gao Jie, Qin Wang, Meng Zhang, Mingdi Bian,Weixian Deng, Zecheng Zuo,Zhenming Yang,Dongping Zhong and Chentao Lin.(2015) Trp triad-dependent rapid photoreduction is not required for the function of Arabidopsis CRY1 PNAS 112(29):9135-9140.
       Wang,Q., Barshop,W.D., Bian,M., Vashisht,A.A., He,R., Yu,X., Liu,B., Nguyen,P., Liu,X., Zhao,X., Wohlschlegel,J.A and Lin,C.(2015) The Blue Light-Dependent Phosphorylation of the CCE Domain Determines the Photosensitivity of Arabidopsis CRY2 Mol Plant 8:631–643.


Wang,X., Wang,Q., Nguyen,P.,Lin,C.(2014) Cryptochrome-mediated light responses in plants Enzymes35:167-89.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801922-1.00007-5.

    Before 2014
   Fristedt,R., Scharff,L.B., Clarke,C.A., Wang,Q., Lin,C., Merchant, S.S., Bock R.(2013) RBF1, a Plant Homologof the Bacterial Ribosome-Binding Factor RbfA, Acts in Processing of theChloroplast 16S Ribosomal RNA Plant Physiology164: 201–215.

   Meng,Y, Li,H., Wang,Q., Liu,B and Lin,C.(2013) Blue Light-Dependent Interaction between Cryptochrome2 and CIB1 Regulates Transcription and Leaf Senescence in Soybean Plant Cell 25: 4405–4420.
   Liu,H., Wang,Q., Liu,Y., Zhao,X., Imaizumi,T., Somers,D. E., Tobin,E. M and Lin, C.(2013) The Arabidopsis photoreceptors CRY2 and ZTL mediate blue-lightregulation of the transcription factor CIB1 by distinct mechanisms Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A110:17582-17587.
   Wang,Q., Fristedt, R., YuX, Chen,Z., Liu,H., Lee,Y., Guo,H.,Merchant, S.,Lin, C.(2012)The γ-carbonic anhydrase subcomplexof mitochondrial complex I is essential for development and important forphotomorphogenesis of Arabidopsis Plant Physiology160: 1373-1383.  
   Wang,Q., Zhu,Z., Ozkardesh,K and Lin,C.(2012) Phytochromes and phytohormones: Theshrinking degree of separation Molecular Plant6:5-7.

  Hornitschek P., Kohnen M.V., Lorrain S., Rougemont J., Ljung K., López-Vidriero I., Franco-Zorrilla J.M., Solano R., Trevisan M., Pradervand S., Xenarios I., Fankhauser C. (2012) Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology71(5): 699–711.

   Li,X., Wang,Q., Yu,X., Liu,H., Yang,H., Zhao,C., Liu,X., Tan,C., Klejnot,J., Zhong,D and Lin, C.(2011) Arabidopsis CRY2 functions by the photoactivation mechanismdistinct from the trp triad-dependent photoreduction Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A108:20844-20849.